Tonight I got to take Keslee to see Tangled. All the other kids wanted to go and see Harry Potter and I knew that there was no way Keslee could sit through that movie. There were a few times during Tangled that I didn't think we would make it through to the end. She got restless and she was having a hard time following the story line. We hung in there and she ended up loving the movie. I have to tell you that it was quite the process getting to the movie. Keslee had two babies, a stroller and a backpack filled with everything she just knew that her babies would need to make it through the show. This is nothing new for us....everywhere we go, Keslee has to pack and re-pack her bags taking a lot of time and great thought into what she needs. I have learned that it is best to just help her with this process or it will take us twice as long to get anywhere. Everywhere we go.....we are hauling around strollers, high chairs, cribs and bags and bags and bags!!! For those of you who know Keslee, you know that once she has made up her mind about something, there is no reasoning with her. You also know that I give in to her because I hate to see her upset. (You might call it spoiled....I choose to use the word SPECIAL) Well, tonight I am glad that I lugged part of our house down to the movie theater. When Rapunzel got home to her mom and dad, Keslee held up her two babies and yelled out "YES". It was so cute. As soon as the credits started, Keslee jumped out of her chair and started dancing up and down the aisle with her two babies. I was already crying of course because you can't watch that movie without bawling like a baby at the end. Keslee was in her own world and completely unaware that everyone was watching her and chuckling because she was so cute. She danced through the entire credits all wrapped up in her own little world. I just sat there alone in the theater crying like a fool (thanks to my Dad's genes) and watched my little angel dance her heart out at the front of the theater. I sat there and thought about how lucky I am to get the chance to raise such a sweet, pure and innocent daughter of God. I don't know how I was lucky enough to be chosen to be her mother, but I love that little girl so much! I am grateful for the gift of patience that I have been blessed with to raise a special spirit like Keslee. She has made so much progress this last year. That being said, I know that she will always be Keslee and that is just fine with me. I honestly wouldn't want her any other way. Anyway, I mostly blogged this so that I can always remember the details because tonight will always be a special memory of my sweet Keslee and the truly angelic girl she is.
Oh and Audrey, both of these baby's names are Lily, so now we have 4 babies named Lily and you only have one. :) (My sister just had the cutest baby girl and named her Lily. Now every baby we have at our house is named Lily because Isabelle has a baby Lily.)
Oh this post made me cry! I miss Kiki! She never fails to make me smile. :)