Monday, January 31, 2011


This Christmas was the best yet! We had a very full house with 7 kids. We went a little overboard with gifts, but kids are only young once right? We got some fun family gifts that have been used so much already that we are happy we bought them. We got a trampoline, a ping pong table, a x-box 360 and lots of nerf guns. We also got everyone their own iPod docking station and alarm clock so that they can all enjoy their music in their own rooms. The boys also got some neat tie pins and the girls all got a porcelin doll that they love. I was surprised that the kids all were patient and we got to watch everyone open all their gifts. It was so fun!
Jake got a lot of fun stuff for his room for Christmas. He was able to order some things for his room and he got a dry erase board to hang in his room. It has been so fun to see all the comments that teenagers write on it. They really are funny! Jake also got a new iPod, ski helmet and ski pants.
Daxton got a new iPod touch this year. He also got a new memory foam topper for his bed, some Aggie shirts, a basketball signed by the whole Utah State University basketball team. He also got a mini fridge and a chair for his room. His favorite was the x-box 360 and that is what he always wants to play!
Josh had a hard time deciding on what he wanted for Christmas. He finally chose a long board and some really cool hats. He also got a few surprises... a mini fridge, remote control helicopter and a balloon animal making kit. It was fun to see him so excited!

Amanda wanted a pink camera for Christmas and that is exactly what she got. She was so excited when she opened it! She also got a blingy iPod case, a funny but cute elephant hat, a disco ball to hang in her room, a pogo stick and some cute jewelry. Her and Rylan spent a few days on their pogo sticks and got so good on them.
Rylan had a great Christmas this year! He got a pogo stick, a mini fridge for his room, a long board, basketball hoop for his room, money jar counter, body pillow, a basketball singed by the whole Utah State Basketball Team and lots of nerf. He and Josh were outside riding the long boards on Christmas morning and they are both naturals!
Alyssa was so cute this Christmas! She wanted a iPod and a dog. On Christmas morning we knew we had done a good job because she licked everything she got. In Alyssa language this means I REALLY LIKE IT! She also loved the matching pajamas for her American Girl doll and her new chair for her room!

Keslee had a great Christmas. She was just as cute and excited as ever. Some of her top hits were a new crib for her babies, a microphone, puppy with babies, jewelry, matching pj's for her Bitty Baby and the only thing she asked for.... a barbie swimming pool with dogs that swim.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Eve

We decorated cookies for Santa with Paul's family at our Daybell Christmas Party. Here are the cookies our kids did for Santa. Don't they just look so yummy?

We had our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. The kids helped decorate the tables, set out the fancy china and light all the candles. We enjoyed listening to what the kids were all thankful for this year. Jake gave a 5 minute speech that was priceless!
The kids all got to open the gifts that they bought eachother. We set a $15.00 limit and made the kids earn the money by working for us. They all had fun picking out the perfect gift. I thought we would never get to leave the store.
We all got to open up our Christmas PJs.
The boys all got Springville Red Devil shirts.

Here we are reading the story of the birth of the Savior. We are eating Alyss'a favorite treat (peanut butter rice krispies with chocolate on top). After this story we read The Night Before Christmas and the kids went downstairs to "go to bed". Whatever....they were up unitl 2:00 playing and trying to peek. They finally crashed and promised us that they would be up at 5:00. Luckily, they all slept in and we woke up to Josh jumping on our bed at 8:00.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Halloween Part 2

I finally got the pictures off my camera. So I am blogging out of order. Here are some fun things we did around Halloween! While we were still at Grandma Flora's house, we got to carve our pumpkins. We made a huge mess on the table, but the kids all had so much fun picking out their designs and then actually helping to carve them out. It took a long time.

Here we are up at Grandma Bingham's annual Halloween Party. There is always great food, games, costumes, and a spook alley. You can tell the boys are all getting old and just want to be scary.

Alyssa the cute little cupcake

This pumpkin costume on her baby doll is the same costume Keslee wore on her first Halloween in the NICU still in the incubator. Sh loves that story and put her baby in it all month.
It is so cool to hear Josh to the scenes from the Joker. It freaks me out how good he is!
Amanda the cutest crayon box ever!
The kids all went out to do the traditional spook alley in the barn. This year we had a few new items. They had a fog machine, strobe light and new scary masks. It was so good we invited some neighbors to come and get scared. Great job kids (and Paul) you got us all really good!
Amanda walked around in character and was super scary. She kept telling everyone "I'm going to get you"

We got to go out to pick our own pumpkins at our friend's field. We had a lot of fun. I think driving the trackor was the main hit for the kids. Grandma Daybell brought yummy donuts and chocolate milk. It is a very fun family tradition.

Keslee found her pumpkin and would not get off of it until someone came to pick it up so she was sure not to lose it.