Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dog Wedding and Birthdays

Natalie, Matt and kids, Vicki, Craig and my parents came down to celebrate all the recent and upcoming birthdays. The kids all decided that Gizmo and Sophie had to get married. They spent a lot of time decorating the back yard and planning the ceremony. Tyler married them and then Keslee and Parker decided to get married. It was so cute to watch. Keslee was so happy and Parker was so nervous. We had a great time and lots of cake.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Las Vegas

Paul and I went to Las Vegas for a work conference. There were over 20 of our co-workers there and we had so much fun! We were in conferences all day and we got to play all night. The really great thing for us is that the conference talked about young children with special needs. I got to get paid to sit and learn a ton of things that will not only help the children I work with, but help us in raising Keslee.

This is the brave group of us that rode the roller coaster at New York New York. It was a lot of fun, but really banged us around.
We stayed at the Paris while we were there. Our room had a view of the pool and the Bellagio water fountains across the street.
We went and saw the Lion King one night with a bunch of friends. It was so neat. We were wishing our kids were there to see it. It is a must see!

Here is a group of us at the Bellagio.
We ran into BumbleBee on the street one night. It was an amazing costume.

Jake's Birthday

Jake has now turned 15 and the streets are officially not safe anymore. :) Jake gets his learning permit and "he already knows everything about driving." He is actually a pretty good driver, but I still can't believe he is this old. He is such a great boy! The rest of our kids are lucky to have him to look up to. For his birthday he chose to go to Pizza Pie Cafe with some friends and family and then he wanted a Springville High Red Devils cake. This is the school symbol. It was a lot of fun even though Keslee got her tubes that day and Daxton did not feel very good. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Snow Fun

We went up to the Uintas with my parents, my friend Ashlie and her boys. It was snowing and we were a little nervous that it would be too cold, but we stayed warm hiking and it was absolutely breathtaking. Most of us were in snow shoes. The kids took right off and were running and playing.

My Dad is amazing and took us through the most beautiful terrain. We hiked right along a river and even crossed it several times. The kids thought that was really cool.

My Dad took Daxton in the front and worked him all day. At the end, Daxton came home with his Winter Sports Merit Badge. He was really excited!

Keslee did so amazing! I only had to carry her a little at the end.

Rylan's First Cake

For one of Rylan's pack meetings in scouts, he had to decorate a cake and bring it for dessert. He chose to make a pinewood derby car. I baked the cake and let him decorate it all by himself. He practiced on the counter and then did it. He did such a great job that his friends did not think he really decorated it. Good job Rylan!